Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Seminoles > Tigers

Here goes my first post.

I'd say I'm a pretty decent football fan.  It may be the cheerleader genes and experience in me, but I get sucked into the competition and rivalry of it all.  This is especially true when it comes to BYU football.  College football in general.  When I'm watching a football game where I don't have any preference for any team playing, I quickly pick one right at the beginning of the game and root for them.  Not necessarily the most strategic or logical way of doing it, but it works for me.

This was the case this past Monday night.  My fiancé and I decided to have our FHE at The Wall and watch the BCS Championship.  His idea.  But I agreed quickly.  Sounds like a fun-filled Monday night.  I quickly noticed that I was the only girl there actively watching the game.  Everyone else was, of course, fanatic boys cheering against each other of who would win the game.  Quite entertaining to watch.  As a part of my usual routine, I quickly picked Florida State as my team.  Mostly because I was kind of sick of hearing Auburn's name shouting across the room.  And my fiancé was rooting for Florida State.  So I did too.

The game was so exciting!  Florida State played an embarrassing first half, and I was sure that Auburn would win it..  But to my surprise, the Seminoles pulled through and beat the Auburn Tigers 34--31.  Such a fun championship game!  The atmosphere at The Wall was so exciting and energetic, and I loved it.  The other competitive boys, the continual shouting to the players, the constant yelling over the karaoke night, and having my team win the championship made for an exciting night of a media- and advertisement-filled night.

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