Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Thank You, Mom. And Dad.

I'm sure most of you have noticed that during the Olympics, P&G comes out with commercials thanking moms for their sacrifice and dedication.  Here's one for the Sochi Olympics:

They're really touching!  I get chills literally every time when I watch these commercials.

But in the back of my head, I've always wondered why they don't publicly thank dads for all their hard work too.  In these P&G commercials, dads are definitely under the radar.  Then Zions Bank came along.  Check out their commercial for Sochi:

What are your thoughts?


  1. What a cute commercial! I'm so glad they focused on the dad in that one. And I totally get the chills whenever I see those commercials too! Parents do so much for their children and it's nice to publicly show appreciation for them.

  2. I love the change in focus at the Olympics from the athletes themselves to the parents who made it all possible!

  3. Awesome post :)
    I almost cried one of the times I saw this video...they've definitely gotten to my emotions. But I totally agree...what about Dads. That second video was great.
