Saturday, March 29, 2014

CSI Night Watching

I was bored last night, and my fiance was out of town.  So what did I do?  I had an awesome night to myself while watching Netflix and reading a novel.  Perfect, chill Friday night!  I really like watching CSI shows, and I've never seen the NY season episodes.  So that's what I watched.  Keep in mind this was around 10:00 pm.  After watching it, I seriously scared myself sick!  I couldn't even shower without getting paranoid that someone was in my apartment ready to kill me when I got out!  I was so freaked out!  It's the first time one of these CSI shows have scared me that bad.  Goodness, that's the last time I watch that show so late...


  1. I am totally with you on this! I used to watch the Walking Dead. I made the HUGE mistake one time watching the online webisodes (that were only a few minutes long each) when I was home alone and it almost scared me to death. Dumbest thing ever.

  2. Yeah, I can't even watch stuff like this because I don't sleep well and I have a hard time going into dark places, haha. People who say media doesn't affect you clearly haven't had an experience like this.
